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This package is currently in alpha and is subject to change.

FCL Wagmi Adapter

Provides a Wagmi connector that uses @onflow/fcl-ethereum-provider under the hood, allowing you to integrate Flow-based Cadence-Owned Accounts (COAs) seamlessly into Wagmi applications.


npm install @onflow/fcl-wagmi-adapter


Basic Example:

import { createClient, configureChains } from 'wagmi'
import { fclWagmiConnector } from '@onflow/fcl-wagmi-adapter'
import { flowTestnet } from 'wagmi/chains'
import { publicProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/public'
import * as fcl from '@onflow/fcl'
// Configure FCL for Flow
"accessNode.api": "",
"discovery.wallet": "",
// Set up Wagmi for Flow Testnet
const { chains, provider } = configureChains(
// Create a connector that uses FCL under the hood
const fclConnector = fclWagmiConnector({
// optional: you can pass any config your provider or FCL needs
// Create the Wagmi client
const wagmiClient = createClient({
autoConnect: true,
connectors: [fclConnector],
// The rest of your dApp logic...


fclWagmiConnector(options?: FclWagmiConnectorOptions): Connector

  • Parameters
    • options?: object – any additional configuration for the underlying FCL provider (gateway URL, custom FCL service, etc.)
  • Returns: A Wagmi Connector object that can be used in createClient or getDefaultConfig.


  • This connector essentially wraps @onflow/fcl-ethereum-provider as an EIP-1193 provider to talk to Flow EVM via Wagmi.
  • The user’s authenticated COA is exposed as the “account” in Wagmi context.