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This package is currently in alpha and is subject to change.

FCL RainbowKit Adapter

Offers a RainbowKit-compatible wallet definition that uses Flow’s COA via FCL. Once installed, RainbowKit can display a “Flow Wallet” (or other FCL-enabled wallets) in its wallet selection modal.


npm install @onflow/fcl-rainbowkit-adapter


Below is a typical usage example that shows how to set up a RainbowKit config for the Flow testnet, using this adapter. (From your provided sample.)

import * as fcl from '@onflow/fcl'
import { createFclConnector, flowWallet } from '@onflow/fcl-rainbowkit-adapter'
import { connectorsForWallets } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit'
import { flowTestnet } from 'wagmi/chains'
import { createConfig, http } from 'wagmi'
// Configure FCL (Flow testnet in this example)
"accessNode.api": "",
"discovery.wallet": "",
"walletconnect.projectId": "9b70cfa398b2355a5eb9b1cf99f4a981", // example WC projectId
// Create a list of connectors from your wallets
const connectors = connectorsForWallets([
groupName: "Recommended",
wallets: [
], {
appName: 'RainbowKit demo',
projectId: '9b70cfa398b2355a5eb9b1cf99f4a981',
// Wagmi config
export const config = createConfig({
chains: [flowTestnet],
ssr: true,
transports: {
[]: http(),


flowWallet(options?: FlowWalletOptions): RainbowKitWallet

  • Returns a RainbowKit-compatible wallet definition that integrates @onflow/fcl-ethereum-provider.
  • Parameters
    • options?: FlowWalletOptions – optional configuration, such as names/icons or custom gateway endpoints.
  • Returns: A RainbowKitWallet object to be included in connectorsForWallets.

createFclConnector(config?: CreateFclConnectorOptions): Connector

  • A lower-level helper to build your own FCL-based EIP-1193 connectors for RainbowKit if you don’t want the preconfigured flowWallet.
  • Parameters
    • config?: CreateFclConnectorOptions – typical Wagmi + FCL config object (i.e., chain ID, network URL, FCL services, etc.).
  • Returns: A valid Wagmi Connector for EVM interactions via FCL.